Friday, February 25, 2011


A Positive Thing that I'm Going to Do During the Mid-Semester Break is ...

as ‘normal’ student we’ll often say this word “during this mid semester break i want to finish all my assignment”. haha. want to know something funny? we also usually say the same thing but at the end will say this word, “i didn't do any of my assignment, do you?”. no offense but this is the truth for maybe all the male student. so the idea of finishing assignment during semester break in not really good.

so here are some tips about some beneficial thing to do during mid sem break ;

firstly, we should eat a lot! (don’t comment anything yet, we have our own reason, just keep reading) . what we really mean is eat with our family or friends. this is the only time that we have to build back a good relationship with these people, it’s been a while since we really talk and discuss anything, so the bond with these people will be stronger especially our family. by doing this, indirectly we will reduce the stress that we got from studying a lot. hehe.

next thing that we should do is we should enjoy ourselves by going out to watch movies, hang out, or maybe playing sports. after we struggled so much to get result with flying colour, we should really reward ourselves with these entire thing because we deserve it.

hmmm. lastly even though it is quite hard for us to mention this but this is our responsibility so one last positive thing that we thing a student should do is study (quite impossible). we must thing about the future, if we want to success we need to sacrifice a little bit of our time to study. so we must remember that what we sacrifice today will bear fruit in the future.  :)

that's all.

thank you.




  1. I eat a lot too during semester break!!!!

  2. I had so much work at home.its not a holiday.just same with the time we stayed in MICET.tired..huhuh

  3. build your step for your's hard right??...'s holiday = close all the book because we have only a short holidays...
