Monday, February 28, 2011

#7 and a half


i just watched i am number four. but it's a little bit disappointing. well, who is number five? number seven? what about number eight and nine? thank goodness number six is hot.

okay. ignore the above statement.

do you ever feel that you want to be someone different? like an alien or a supercoollookingdudewhogotprettygirlsbyhisside or a witch or a vocalist of a band or a chefwhocancooktiramisucake or an ordinary guy maybe? i bet you do. almost all the time. am i right?

when i was a little boy, i wished i am ultraman. when i was a little bit older, during my primary school, i wished i am a digimon tamer or a pokemon tamer. when i was in secondary school, i wished i was a guitarist in a band, or maybe a rich businessman who owns a pagani huayra, or . now, when i am a litttle bit old, not too old, i wish i could become like my father. he works really really hard but still, he managed to spend many times with my family. we went on vacations together, we went shopping together, we went to kenduri together. yes. i go to kenduri with my family. any problems with that? haha.

how about you guys? who do you wish you want to be like? harry potter? i know many of you wants to be like harry potter right? got all the magic powers, fight the evil dark lord, blah blah blah. or maybe you wants to be like bella swan? who date a "super cool handsome" dude who drinks blood, got an admirer who can turn into a mammal, blah blah blah. haha. no offense. i'm just kidding.

google it.

okay enough crapping. or else i'm going to get sued. 

thank you very much.

the end.




  1. hmmm.. To be honest.. I wish I was Kristen Stewarts once.. Why?? I want to be in the twilight saga movie with Robert Pattinson.. I want to hug him, and.. ooppss.. Not suitable here =p well i was crazy of him once.. lol

  2. the ultraman cannot beat Sinbae the ninja boy.haha

  3. ultraman saga cannot beat the TS_______...


  4. farah @ izwan - omjaaayyyy. hug? ahaha :D

    nadya'acob - can. who said cannot?

    cik mun n cik yah - ts who?
