Sunday, March 6, 2011

#8 and a half

the pool grand master.

the pool grand master. wuhee this is our blog name. why we named it as out blog ? hmmm don’t really know actually but what we want to tell you all today is about our experience to write our first blog together for this wonderful subject.

firstly to be honest it is quite hard for me (qie) because this is the first time i ever write a blog while ipan already have a blog himself. our first blog title was my educational aspiration. don’t know if we got the right format but we did our best. hehe.

ok. enough with history, let bygone be bygone. just want to tell you all that this is our very last post and maybe which we mean maybe, we will continue to put in new entry. 

with this opportunity also we want to thanks everyone especially mdm. sherina because she had help us so much for completing this thing and not to forget to all our friend and also to this technical communication subject.

that’s all for now.

thanks all for reading..=))

the end.

peace yawwwww.



  1. Is this really 1 of your free topic? TOO simple you know..Lol.. Ok sorry.. Who am I to judge anyway right? Appology accepted? Thank you.. ;)

  2. haha..what is the content?grateful?nice entry.thanks to both of you too. ;)

  3. miss said: you are welcome..

    hehe..short n nice..:)

  4. Farah @ Izwan - idk. qie wrote this entry. haha

    nadya'acob - welcome2. thanks to you too. :D

    cik mun n cik yah - thank you. :)
